Causes we are serving


For underserved children and families to achieve holistic development, education is paramount.


In a world increasingly dominated by chemical interventions and industrial farming methods.


The health of a community is paramount to its growth, prosperity, and overall well-being.

Women Empowerment

Chaplin Club has ignited a spark of creativity and self-reliance...

Child Protection

We do preventive and responsive measures for Child Protection to shield children...

Disaster Response

As the Covid-19 pandemic cast its long shadow across communities, bringing with it not just health concerns...

Our Story

The Chaplin Club is a development organization deeply rooted in the community it serves. Its primary goal is to promote holistic growth and improvement for the community. The journey of the Chaplin Club started as a youth group in 1987. It began its operations with a clear vision and steadily established its foundation. Recognizing the importance of having a formal structure and wider outreach, the club achieved official registration in 1993. This was a pivotal move, solidifying its dedication to community development.

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Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

Our Supporters

We need your help

With your kind donations, we reach out and uplift underserved communities. Each penny you contribute magnifies the impact of joy and empowerment. By donating today, you can stand as a shining pillar of hope and laughter for numerous hearts and lives.


Join with Us

Chaplin Club thrives on the generosity and support of individuals who believe in its mission.

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